- Activity 1:
At WHO’s request, providing technical support in the implementation of the global ICD-11 in the implementation strategy and implementation guidance.
- Activity 2:
At WHO’s request and under its guidance, providing support for ICD-11 maintenance and improvement of the ICD-11 tooling environment.
- Activity 3:
At WHO’s request, providing support in the implementation of the International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI).
(WHOの要請により、保健・医療関連行為に関する国際分類 (ICHI)の実施において支援を行う)
- Activity 4:
At WHO’s request and under its guidance, providing support for ICHI development/maintenance and improvement of the ICHI tooling environment.
- Activity 5:
At WHO’s request, providing support in the implementation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
- Activity 6:
At WHO’s request and under its guidance, providing support for ICF. maintenance/modernization and improvement of the ICF tooling environment.
- Activity 7:
At WHO’s request, supporting WHO-FIC crosscutting activities.